Evangelism Calling
Pastor Stacy shares a powerful message reminding us that when we give any credence to our old, dead nature we are actually guilty of idolatry.
Pastors Stacy and Casey Long tag team a powerful message from their personal story of surrender and God changing their hearts and perspectives.
You might be surprised to find that joy, happiness and celebration are mentioned in the Bible alongside hate, holiness and the fear of the Lord. If we are pursuing holiness and the fear of the Lord and we don’t have joy, then we are doing something wrong. Pastor Stacy explains in this exhortation of joy.
In this very powerful sermon, Pastor Stacy explains the tree of the knowledge of good and evil, what it is, why it was in the garden and why it is never mentioned again in scripture. The personal application to your life will blow you away.
Pastor Stacy shares a message on what the Bible is really about and our role in God’s plan for this world.
On the first Sunday of 2021 our leadership team each share several minutes on what they believe is coming in 2021.
In this sermon Pastor Stacy shares a powerful declaration of identity in the feeding of the 5000.