Casey Long is Stacy Long’s wife and the mother of 6 amazing boys. She grew up in California in a Lutheran Church, got saved in a Baptist church, and met the Holy Spirit in Australia while attending a Youth With a Mission discipleship school. She spent 4 years in Bosnia working for a non-profit organization, discipling orphans and learning how to walk in the supernatural as she connected with the Vineyard back in California, Randy’s Clarks ministry Global Awakening, and Bethel Church in Redding, California.
After 2 years on furlough, in 2009 she moved with her family to Raleigh, NC to attend Catch the Fire School of Revival and help build up Catch the Fire ministries in the states. Casey and Stacy were on staff at Catch the Fire for 3 years when they felt the call to plant a church in Fayetteville, NC. In 2014 she moved with her family to Fayetteville to help plant what is now the River House. She is currently heading up the kids ministry and can sometimes be found preaching and teaching as the Holy Spirit leads.